2023-2024 Board Members

President: Becky Owens

The President is responsible for the overall operation of the VGBC, and is the primary interface to APEX gym.

Vice Presidents: Adrianne Cook & Kellye Wishard

The vice president(s) will fill in for the president in their absence. In the event that the president cannot fulfill their duties, the vice president can assume the role of president. The vice president will also oversee the activities of the Fundraising Committee and ensures that all other committees are chaired and functioning properly. The vice president is a designated co-signer of checks written on behalf of the VGBC.

Secretary: Jill Edmonds

The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings (both annual membership and Board), ensuring that notices of meetings are issued in the proper timeframes and all business correspondence is conducted; and maintaining a mailing list, email list and roster of all parents and guardians (the membership). In addition, the Secretary maintains or delegates updating of the Parents Handbook, and is the historian of all VGBC material. The Secretary is a designated co-signer of checks written on behalf of the VGBC.

Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer: Jessica Wilson and Laura Horner

The treasurer is responsible for developing the annual operating budget, reporting on budget compared to actuals on a monthly basis to the Board and providing a summary to the membership, as well as issuing an end-of-year statement on the closing of the books. In addition to the reports, the treasurer is ensures the taxes for the VGBC are filed each year and arrange for an audit of the financial books. The treasurer is permitted to sign checks and is required to obtain a second approved signature on all checks exceeding $500. All appropriate documentation (example is receipts) must be collected and maintained for all expenses paid. The treasurer will be held personally liable for all funds under his/her responsibility.